Sunday, August 21, 2016

Two Years of Words

Facebook was kind enough to remind me, through the timehop app, that yesterday was the two year anniversary of my blog. A lot has happened with my blog in these past two years. It started as just a little hobby to get me back into the habit of writing. The first big thing to happen, I was added as a blog contributor for a podcast's website--the 7 Days A Geek podcast. My blog was linked to their website where anyone could find it under the blog contributors section, to click on and read. Then this year, I was noticed by a blog reader from a convention website management company who suggested a blog post idea, which has resulted in my highest viewed blog post to date.

I paused in the middle of another post to work on my Comicon 101 post, with the intention of getting back to the former, until I realized I had hit another blog milestone. So here we are, a quick celebratory post.

What's in store for the blog going forward? The same thing as before, writing posts about things that interest me and I enjoy. Writing for this blog is something I enjoy greatly--writing in general is something I enjoy doing. Lately, I haven't written as much as in the past. My work schedule has been busy as of late, and I have also been trying to reduce the stack of books on my "reading list". The posts may have slowed a bit, but they haven't stopped, nor will they. So you can all breath a sigh of relief. I can't promise more frequent posts(at the moment), but I can promise to continue giving every post my very best.

So what have I learned these past two years? There are actually people out there who enjoy reading what I write, enough to keep reading more. I couldn't be happier about the response and positive feedback I receive. I also hope to continue to receive suggestions. They don't just have to be from blog readers of companies(although a couple more of those couldn't hurt), but I'm open to blog post suggestions from anyone. I can't say that I'll be able to use every suggestion, some topics may be outside of my wheel house, so to speak. But I look forward to hearing from my readers and friends.

I'll end this post with a thank you. This blog may have started as a hobby, but I like to think that it has become more than that. I can't be sure what the future will bring, but I do hope to continue to improve upon this blog and my writing. So thank you...readers, fans, friends. You are all a big part of this blog's continued success.

Here's to another year of words, From Brain to Keyboard.

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