Monday, November 3, 2014

No Nonsense November

So you may have noticed that I haven't written a post since before Halloween. Consider this a quick update as to why. November was the start of National Novel Writing Month which I'm participating in again this year. I'm trying to make an effort at accomplishing more than I did last year. Last year's attempt was laughable, I just didn't put much effort in and it's not going to be the same this year. I spent most of Sunday, trying to catch up on the word count (which I'm now behind on again) but I'm already further along in these past couple days than I was in the entire month last year. I'm taking that as a small victory already. But I of course also don't want to neglect the blog at the same time. The solution to that being shorter posts for now. I'm literally trying to do three different things at once right now. I'm watching my shows, working on this post, and listening to an internet radio show. Commercials are my friend right now.

Halloween! It was last Friday, as I'm sure you noticed. I dressed up at work as Cleopatra and got the most compliments on a costume that I can ever remember receiving. My ego could hardly be contained within my cubicle. It was pretty great. Not bad for a last minute costume the week of Halloween. Next year, I have something else in mind and will try to plan ahead. I was thinking about something that I could use for more than just Halloween. Like a an outfit that could work for a Comicon cosplay as well, so most likely something Marvel or DC related, but it's not for sure yet. This year I also found out that wearing a wig all day is not so bad. It wasn't uncomfortable in the least. Later that evening, I helped taking turns handing out candy and babysitting the little Capuchin monkey, as we've begun to call my infant niece. It seemed as though we had less trick-or-treaters this year, but we ran out of candy at just after 8:00pm (about an hour and a half after it got dark). So, a successful evening none-the-less.

It's official, I'm listed on the Seven Days A Geek website as one of their blog contributors. I even got a shout-out in one of the recent episodes, along with a compliment that really made my day. I would recommend checking out the website, not just for the blogs, but to see what the whole podcast is about. I realized today that I've been listening to the show for almost a year now and it's definitely my favorite indie podcast (which I consider to be a podcast not run or backed by a celebrity). The guys are a great, very entertaining and you can tell they really love doing it. Here's the link, tell them Stefanie sent you.

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