Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Yes, I'm Still Alive

It feels like forever since I last updated the blog. The last post was on the 6th, so that makes...5 days. 5 DAYS?! That's an entire work week worth of no new blogs. I am sorry dear readers. How torturous these past five days must have been for you, without my witty banter. But...you will be happy to know that my word count for my NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) novel is over 12,000 words! Woo! Go me! I've blown past where I was at this time last year, in leaps and bounds. I'm not near where I should be for the official count for day 11, but I'm proud of my progress. Seeing as my personal goal is the halfway mark of 25,000 before the end of the month, I am on task for meeting that goal. Heck, at this rate, I'll go past that before the end. Not going to raise my hopes for 50k, but never say never.

In other news, fall TV continues to be awesome and lay claim to a majority of my time. I wish I had the time to do more indepth reviews of said awesome shows, but alas, I do not. A quick run down of what I'm currently watching: Sunday you have Once Upon A Time and the double feature The Walking Dead/Talking Dead, Monday you have Gotham and Sleepy Hollow, Tuesday has a bunch which are The Flash (this one may not be on Tuesday, but it's hard to keep track of them all without looking it up) followed by Supernatural then Agents of Shield with Forever later on, Wednesday is my catch up with Tuesday stuff day, Thursday there's Haven, Friday we end with Grimm and Constantine. Honorable mentions: @ Midnight, The Voice, Ghost Hunters and a few more that escape me at the moment. These are the shows that I usually let pile up on the DVR and watch on the weekends or throw in during the week if there's time. Just pretty much whenever shows. It's a lot of TV, I know. Oh geez, I forgot Doctor Who on Saturdays! But it was the season finale this past Saturday--which I have not watched yet so no spoilers--I will be filling that spot with my whenever shows and rewatching episodes of Sherlock. 

Once November is over and I'm no longer staring at a word doc every night until my eyes bleed, I plan to throw some books in the mix. I've got a stack about 6 high just waiting to be read. There's a few from Chuck Wendig in there, Jim Butcher, Dean Koontz and a couple from new (to me) authors. So much to do, so little time. But, at least my family should not have any issues with figuring out which store to get me gift cards from...Bath and Body Works. I'm just kidding, but I do love that store. Anyway, it's time to tape my eye lids open and power through the rest of the day. Curse you lunch for being so tasty yet making me so sleepy! 

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