Monday, December 1, 2014

30,000 Words Players!

Yesterday was the end of November. I know, nothing new, that's what months do. But if you'll recall...the most famous reindeer of all. No, wait, stop getting distracted. If you'll remember--that's better--I spent all of November trying to write a novel for National Novel Writing Month. Yesterday marked the end of the frantic word-making. I am happy to announce that I hit my personal goal of 25,000 words and then continued right on past that to finish out the month with just over 30,000 words. This still left me 20,000 shy of the overall NaNoWriMo goal of 50,000 words. But I can honestly say, I am as pleased as punch (what does that even mean?) to have not only reached the halfway mark, but breezed past it. Now I will admit, I probably could have hit the 50k word mark in the last week--I had quite a lot of time off work. But I spent a few days fighting off a fever and the over all desire to be put out of my misery, none of which is conducive to writing. So those days were well spent...sleeping, there was so much sleeping. Thanks to that, my cold is all but gone and I only have a lingering cough. But I digress. Needless to say, I now have my life back and every waking moment is no longer split between word smithy and work. I can once again focus on the blog. The poor neglected blog. Admit it, you missed me too. Basically, brace yourselves. Heeeeeeere's Johnny! Well...oh you know what I mean.

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