Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Oops, I Did It Again

I seem to have replaced one obsession with another and fell off the face of the planet with this blog again. Oops. My novel is nearly complete (yes nearly, I haven't gone back to it since the end of November. No it's not a permenant break just an extended writing vacation). Ahem. As I was saying, TV. Oh, I wasn't saying that? Well, I may have jumped the gun a bit, but come now. Surely you gathered for yourselves that the other obsession I was alluding to was TV. I've been attempting to catch up on all the DVR'ed shows that I fell behind on due to writing. Mission status: marginally successful. I'm now caught up on all the shows on the downstairs DVR. Which means...yup you guess it, still the DVR in my bedroom left to go. But with all the shows now on break until January (some longer, I'm talking to you The Walking Dead) I should be able to tackle that one soon.

Especially, when I'm just not that impressed with the Christmas movies on the Lifetime channel this year. They just seem so-so this year, or they play ones I've seen plenty of times already. I'd like something new. What does a girl have to do to get some decent Christmas movies around here? Now of course I have my trusty VHS tapes (kids ask your parents) and DVDs of the classics, so I'll be watching those but there are some that I don't have in my collection. At the moment, I don't have the funds to go out and buy every movie I'm missing, as much as I would love to. But I haven't seen them in the TV guide and it's making me a bit frustrated. Don't even get me started on Netflix. Four of my favorite Christmas movies were on Netflix last year so I was able to watch them easily, but this year...zero zip zilch. That is not to say they don't have any Christmas movies, they do. But the selection is mildly entertaining at best. But they do have the Dreamworks Christmas Specials (Penguins, Shrek, Kung Fu Panda) and a Lady Gaga & The Muppet's Christmas Special. She is one talented lady.

However, none of the afore mentioned Netflix offerings are worth watching repeatedly. So now that I've seen them, Netflix has become a mute point in my search for Christmas cheer in visual form. Even Amazon Prime wasn't much help. The movies I yearn for are the ones that never get old and can be watched again and again. It's come down to purchasing said movies at some point probably after Christmas, when I'm able. Ain't that a kick in the head? You said it Deano.

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