Thursday, December 25, 2014

Happy Christmahanukawanzafest!

As I sit here in my living room surrounded by lights (both electric and candles), listening to Christmas music on the radio...I'm reminded that yet another Christmas has come and nearly gone. It seemed so far away and the past few days have flown by spent rushing around preparing for yesterday and today. Next up will be New Year's and then we'll be into a brand new 2015. I get to decide if I want to do anything for my 28th birthday (omg it's been 10 years since I graduated High School!) and a week later our first Skype birthday for my sister (we're both January babies).

It's no secret if you know me, or have been following this blog, I am a fan of Christmas and the winter season in general. I look forward to it more than any other holiday/time of year. So I'm always a little sad to see it go. All that preparation and lead up to one special day. Then, it's over so quickly, back to work tomorrow and all the radio stations switch back over to their normal broadcasting. At least the decorations get to stay up until the new year, we usually don't take them down until the second weekend in January. The first weekend is too soon and we're not ready to let go of the decor just yet.

This evening my mother and I will have Christmas dinner with my sister, brother-in-law, the baby, before they fly back to Tennessee tomorrow morning. It will be another little while before we see them all again, in person. Hopefully they'll be able to come back for our cousin's wedding in March. But, we were happy to have them here at all, which I count as a big Christmas present from my father to us all since he was able to pay for their flights back here. Christmas has always been about family...spending time with loved ones and family friends and enjoying each other's company, never about the presents. We as a country have always been fueled by materialism fed by infinite commercials pitching the must have gifts with malls and stores tempting shoppers to open credit accounts to spend more than they can afford. We've all spent a little too much on gifts at some point in our lives, to show our loved ones how much they're loved and appreciated. There's nothing wrong with that, in years where I had a bit more to spend, I did the same. As long as we remember to keep true to what's important, family and friends, then you'll never go wrong at Christmas.

Alright, mushy and serious stuff aside...I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas and that the remainder of your holiday season continues to be merry and bright!

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