Monday, October 6, 2014

Just Another Manic Monday

It was really just more of your average Monday. Woke up, was sad the weekend was already over again, then dragged my feet until I left the house. Even the coffee this morning didn't really do much to lighten my mood. It wasn't until lunch time and after some m&ms and a snickers that I felt less like a rainy storm cloud --chocolate was the silver lining. I spent the morning plugging away at my email, listening to podcasts, it was the same routine in the afternoon. Basically what  I would consider a productive day. Stopped at Anna's Linens on the way home to buy a new chair cover for the reclining chair in the living room. Max likes to sit on it and rather than let it get hairy or clawed, we use the cover to protect it. The last one had started to wear out so we tossed it. The next thing that I have to buy is some more double sided tape for the bottom of the couches and chairs--also to deter clawing, it works very well. Then it was home sweet home for dinner and TV watching. We went with something easy, pizza. Ended up watching Once Upon A Time, during which yours truly fed a bottle to the baby while mommy went to Walmart. After that was Gotham to end the night. We're all too tired to keep watching anything else. There's still an episode of Sleepy Hollow to watch, plus the Supernatural Special that was on tonight. Those will be the first two on the list for after work tomorrow, followed by Agent's of SHIELD, the season 10 premier of Supernatural, and Forever. I love fall TV.

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