Monday, October 13, 2014

The End of Another Weekend

It happens all the time...there's no stopping it, and no way to get it back. Another weekend has come and gone. Those two days of freedom used in any way you wish. It ends abruptly--or so it always seems. Monday rolls around and it's back to waking up via alarm clock radio, dragging one's self out of the comforts of the bed to prepare for the day ahead. Some days are easier than others. Some days you regret ever getting out of the bed, other days you're so glad that you did. It may seem like a guessing game, as though you can never be quite sure what the day will bring. While this may be the case for a percentage of the time, it is not always up to chance. It's every bit up to you to shape how your day will go, then it is to the workings of fate. Certain things may be out of your control at the moment, but it won't always be that way. You have the ability to decide what kind of day you're going to have. You choose the way you react to events and allow your mood to adjust accordingly. Could you be grumpy when something doesn't turn out the way you had planned? Of course. Could you not let it phase you and keep that frown upside done? Affirmative. Your attitude towards things is what you make it to be. Are you entitled to venting your complaints every once in a while? Feeling sadness and disappointment? Absolutely. But it all comes down to self-control. Not letting yourself get too carried away by how a day turns out, can make all the difference. I had a very hectic day at work. I could have been grouchy, stressed, annoyed...possibly all at once (I will admit to some slight annoyance at one point). But I kept plugging away and accomplished a decent amount. I still had more to do when I left, but tomorrow is another day. So here's to keeping a positive attitude and kicking the work load in the ass.

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