Sunday, September 7, 2014

Binge Watching Weekend

I spent today, much like yesterday, catching up on another show. So far, I finished one show, caught up on another and watched several movies. A very lazy weekend for me, aside from grocery shopping on Saturday. It's not a bad way to spend a weekend, relaxing in front of the TV. It doesn't require much effort and is a good way to recuperate from a hard week at work. Tomorrow after work, I plan to get caught up on Doctor Who and possibly start the first episode of The Intruders. It's odd that I'm not more keen on watching Doctor Who. I can remember a time that I absolutely had to watch the episode the day it aired--if not live. Then sat waiting impatiently for the next week. My exuberance waned at some point during the Steven Moffat/Matt Smith years, for a number of reasons. I liked Matt's Doctor but just not enough to feel the same as I once did during the first four seasons. It's not that I've completely lost interest. I'm very interesting in the progression of the new Doctor--the process of him finding his feet both as a character and an actor new to the role. Capaldi is of course not new to the show, as an actor or a fan. But each new actor to play the Doctor always requires at least a few episodes to get into it and catch the attention and hearts of the fans. Maybe I just wanted to let it build up a bit, two shows back to back is nicer than just one. But whatever my reasoning for holding off, I will be continuing with the show and many other shows. I've become concerned again about the space on my DVR; the list of fall shows I want to watch keeps growing. So many shows, so little time.

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