Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Intention to Write

I had every intention to write today. Honest. But I've spent the last few hours working on a small project, on MS Paint. As anyone who has ever doodled around on MS Paint will know, it's not the easiest program to work with, especially when minut detail is required. I really wish I already had the tablet that I am hoping to get myself for Christmas. I'm not an artist by any means, but I when I'm trying to color inside the lines, it's really annoying when I can't get close enough to the edge to fill in all the color without messing up the outline. A tablet with a stylus pen would help with that, at least better than the mouse on my laptop. So, that's why instead of something interesting today, you get me complaining about MS Paint taking up my writing time. I could probably stop and dig around in my brain for a topic, but my eyes feel like they are about to start bleeding from staring at the screen for so long. I think I would rather just call it a night.

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