Thursday, September 25, 2014

Re-evaluate My Complaints

Today was a very long day at work and there is no short supply of reasons to complain on any given day. Too many emails, too many spreadsheets, getting requests that don't follow the policy. But once I leave the office, that all ends, I put it out of my mind and I focus on other things, like what's going on with the rest of the world. By which I mean other family or friends. Today was also a reminder not to complain too much. Two friends are having worse days than I am and I'm not trying to make light of their troubles by comparing them to mine, quiet the opposite. One friend was having a hard time with her child and was feeling blue. I can't relate completely, I don't have children, but I've had fights with family members and the feeling afterwards is very similar. Another friend's grandmother passed away. Here I am complaining about work. I should be thankful to have a job (which I certainly am) because there are people out there who don't. I try to remind myself that my life isn't as bad as I sometimes think it is. But we all at some time and point have wished our lives could be better. If I only had more money, I could change this. If I only had more time, I could do this. If only...if only won't help, if only won't change things. Rather than complaining I have to take action. I have the power to change things. The things I don't like about my life are temporary and it's up to me to fix them and complaining doesn't help with that. Now, I'm not saying don't complain about anything ever, sometimes a complaint can be a way to release stress, especially if you can feel better afterwards. But again, I have good reason to re-evaluate what I complain about or if I do, keep in mind that things could always be worse. My energy could be better spent providing my friends with supportive words and condolences. I'm also going to start the positive thinking now and say, tomorrow will be a better day.

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