Monday, September 15, 2014

Drawing A Blank

Seriously. I just literally drew a blank on a piece of paper beside the words blog ideas. I was having writer's block and couldn't come up with a topic for today's entry. I physically drew a representation of my writer's block, if you can call it drawing--there's a wall, it's amusing. But, it worked. Now, I'm writing guessed it, writer's block. If you've ever written something: school paper, resume, review, grocery list. You've most likely experienced writer's block in one varying degree or another. I've done a lot of writing over the years (a lot of which hasn't seen the light of day, because I'm my own worst critic) and I've had my fair share of experience with writer's block. It's my go to excuse for not finishing a story. Some of the time it's true, most of the time it's just laziness. It's so much easier to quit then to finish something. I'm working on it though. That's partly why I decided to start this blog. Get in the habit of writing every day, even if it's not much. Every little bit counts in the big scheme of things: a short story, novella, novel. Write to finish, finish what I write. My new mantra. I will admit, I am also influenced by one of my favorite authors. A lot of his advice is about writing as much as possible and finishing your work, even if it's bad. It's what rough drafts are for. His words are nothing new and common sense, but sometimes you just need to be reminded. But, (as you can plainly see) there really isn't such a thing as writer's block.

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